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What is the ghost press?

What is the ghost press? When we sleep, we occasionally feel that our consciousness is awake, but our body is not under our control. This phenomenon is called "ghost press". In fact, from a medical point of view, this phenomenon is a sleep disorder disease, known as sleep snoring, and some people will have a certain illusion in their minds when there is a ghost press, which leads to their own presence. The fear of its territory. Ghost press is a natural phenomenon. Let's take a closer look at what the ghost press is all about!

First we need to know how the ghost press is happening. When a ghost press is just about to fall asleep or wake up, the main reason for this phenomenon is caused by the unconsciousness of the human consciousness (the brain's nerve center) and the human motion (the motor nerve center). At this time, there will be a phenomenon in which the human brain cannot control the movement of the body, which is the ghost press we are talking about.


So under what circumstances will there be a ghost press? Under normal circumstances, if the human body is in a state of anxiety, excessive fatigue and other mental stress, there will be a ghost press, but in this case, ghost compression will not occur. The probability of ghost presses is very low. Some people Ghost presses do not occur in a lifetime, and most of them do not occur frequently. General ghost presses do not occur in middle-aged and older times, and more often in juveniles or youth.

Ghost press is actually a self-protection mechanism of our body. If our motor nerve center wakes up faster and can be freely controlled, it is easy to hurt others and hurt others when you are unconscious. Therefore, the phenomenon of ghost press is fundamentally beneficial to the human body.


Even knowing that a ghost press is not a disease, the feeling of being out of control can be uncomfortable. So what should I do when there is a ghost press? First turn the eyeball, let the eye muscles move first, then the mouth, the lower jaw, the tongue, these can move smoothly and then try to move the limbs. After this phenomenon is completely relieved, wake up and stretch the muscles of the whole body until the muscles are completely felt. Relax until now.

Now, how do you know about the ghost press? It is not terrible at all, and even protects our body. If we encounter a ghost press, we can improve the discomfort caused by the ghost press according to the above.